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Top 5 Waterfed Window Cleaning Tools

Waterfed Window Cleaning Tools

Dipping your toes into the world of waterfed can undoubtedly be an intimidating process for any window cleaner. However, once you contemplate all the fantastic benefits the waterfed lifestyle has to offer, such as safety, time efficiency, and convenience, you'll never turn back. If you begin to think of it as an investment rather than an expense, the transition from traditional window cleaning to waterfed can be an exciting one! In this article, we've created a list of the top five waterfed window cleaning tools which are:

  • Purification Systems
  • Waterfed Poles
  • Waterfed Brushes
  • Hose Reels
  • Booster Pumps

If you're new to the waterfed game and want to learn the essentials, then you're in luck. Below, we'll introduce these waterfed tools and give you product recommendations to help you get started.

1. Purification Systems


Creating pure water is crucial to leaving a spotless sheen on your customers’ windows. To do this, you'll need a purification system. Using either a single-stage or multi-stage water purification system is an excellent investment because it filters your water no matter where you are. Hooking them up to your location’s source water allows you to purify their supply and effortlessly feed your equipment. XERO makes fantastic single and multi-stage purification systems. Some are lightweight, and others have wheels, making all of them easy to transport so you can get beautiful cleans on large-scale jobs.

Selecting the right purification system for your needs is critical to the success of your waterfed journey. There are many factors to consider when choosing which one is going to benefit you the most. Among these, the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is the most important. Factors such as your intended frequency of system operation, whether your focus is predominantly residential or commercial projects, cost considerations, and the number of poles you intend to employ should also be taken into account.

  • Single-Stage Systems: If you have lower Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in your water source, operate alone, or anticipate using your new setup only occasionally, a single-stage system might be the right choice for you.
  • Multi-Stage Systems: These are most popular among professional window cleaners because they can handle both soft and hard water, and are suited for daily use. If your water is on the harder side or you plan to use your system frequently, you will want a multistage system.

Our Recommendation:

2. Waterfed Poles

XERO Pro Basic Carbon Fiber Water Fed Pole

A waterfed pole offers a range of key advantages, including enhanced speed, safety, and adaptability. These poles are designed to link seamlessly with your purification system, ensuring a steady supply of pure water for cleaning various surfaces. Safety is a great benefit, as water-fed pole technology enables operations to be conducted from ground level. This eliminates the need for potentially hazardous equipment like ladders, scaffolding, or lifts, thereby reducing risks for both you and your team. Water-fed poles offer great flexibility and room for expansion. As your company grows, you can easily upgrade your equipment to meet evolving needs, thanks to the diverse array of pole types and sizes available on the market today.

Selecting a waterfed pole can be just as challenging as choosing a pure water system. Here are some questions you may want to ask yourself when determining which pole is right for you and your business:

  • Job Type: Do I need a pole that best suits commercial jobs or do I need something more practical for residential work?
  • Height: How high do I need my pole to reach? 
  • Preference: Do I want a lightweight pole, or do I want one that's extremely sturdy?
  • Price: How much should I invest in a waterfed pole?

Once you take the time to sort out the answers to these questions, narrowing down your options should be easier. If you still need help or guidance in selecting a waterfed pole, connect with one of Window Cleaning Resource’s product specialists here.

Our Recommendation:

3. Waterfed Brush

XERO Hybrid Brush

Waterfed brushes attach to the end of your waterfed pole, utilizing pure water to scrub and polish windows, entirely eliminating the necessity for soaps or chemicals. For any window cleaner, these brushes are a crucial tool. Opting for the appropriate brush for each task can lead to time and energy savings while ensuring your windows gleam. Among the wide selection of brushes available, the top three favored brush materials are Boar’s Hair, Nylon, and Hybrid.

  • Boar’s Hair brushes work great on filthy windows. They require the least amount of pressure and are the most aggressive choice for windows that need lots of scrubbing power. Boar’s Hair brushes work best on lower windows because they can get heavy.
  • Nylon brushes have gentle bristles and are great for regular routine cleaning. They work best on higher windows because they are lightweight, and water and dirt efficiently run through them, as they are not porous. 
  • Hybrid brushes contain a mixture of both Boar’s Hair and Nylon bristles, making them an excellent option for moderately dirty windows. Hybrid brushes are currently the most popular on the market and make for a great starter brush.

Our Recommendation:

4. Hose Reels

PWP Portable Hose Reel Assembly

Hose reels are the perfect way to keep hoses organized and quickly load up while on the job. They were created to move the weight off your pure water system and allow you to move it around independently. With a light and portable hose reel, you can add more hose between your purification system and your pole to get the most done without having to reset yourself and your setup.

When searching for a hose reel, it's crucial to seek out a unit that is compact, built to withstand heavy use, highly durable, and designed for long-lasting performance. These reels come in a range of sizes, colors, and configurations. You may also want to consider additional features such as the hose's length, whether it is kink-resistant, the presence of rubberized feet for added stability, and its weight

Our Recommendation:

5. Booster Pumps

XERO 12V Booster Pump

There’s nothing worse than arriving at a job and realizing that the water pressure is extremely low. To best avoid this scenario, you're going to want to add a booster pump to your collection of waterfed equipment.

Pumps are essentially your purification system’s right hand. These machines assist your workflow by enhancing the pressure of the location’s water source. If there is a low-pressure situation, your purification system may not be able to provide you with pure water fast enough. That’s where these machines offer a great deal of help. They are also lightweight so that you can do the job with very little hassle or strain.

Our Recommendation:

Additional Info and Resources

Some additional tools you may want to include in your waterfed setup that aren't included in this list might be spray attachments, goosenecks, flow control devices, and pole accessories. To check out these essentials and more, visit windowcleaner.com.

After familiarizing yourself with the leading five water-fed window cleaning tools, explore this article to uncover the top ten traditional tools utilized in the window cleaning industry:

If you want to explore beyond our product recommendations and look for something that may be more accustomed to your needs, check out these complete pure water packages that have been thoughtfully assembled by product specialists for you.

Window Cleaning Resource provides exceptional materials crafted by professionals to assist you in establishing and operating your window-cleaning business. In addition to supplying all the necessary products with rapid delivery, Window Cleaning Resource offers various platforms for you to connect with a thriving community of fellow window cleaners.

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